The weird ice cream challenge – Times Union

July 17, 2014
Steve Barnes
Times Union

We asked seven Capital Region chefs to play a game called “Can You Make It into Ice Cream?” When they agreed to participate, all they knew was that they’d be randomly assigned an ingredient — one not usually associated with summer’s favorite treat — and tasked to make ice cream with it.

The rules were simple: The secret ingredient must be the main flavor component of the ice cream, but other complementary ingredients were permissible. The ice cream must be made with a traditional base of milk/cream and eggs. Sugar was not required.

Our own Executive Chef James was part of The Times Union “Weird Ice Cream Challenge” and was given the secret ingredient of Kale. So Chef James made Kale ice cream with caramel sauce, almond crunch and kale chips and it fluffy and creamy, salty and sweet… and utterly delicious.  Read the article>>

Photo Jul 09, 6 37 30 PM


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